






  • “身在最北方,心向党中央”——2024健康龙江科普...[2024-08-26]
  • “身在最北方,心向党中央”——2024健康龙江科普...[2024-08-26]
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  • 聚焦绩效,共谋发展|卫生管理学院第四十九期思无界...[2024-07-12]
  • 智慧碰撞,学术领航|卫生管理学院第四十八期“思无...[2024-07-12]
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  • 助力公考,“职”引未来|卫生管理学院第四十三期“...[2024-05-07]
  • 交流探讨,创新引领|卫生管理学院第四十一期“思无...[2024-05-01]
  • 名师风采
    • 02 2023-02

      空气污染造成的全球死亡负担:人口分解和出生队列效应Global ...

      To identify the high-risk pollutants and evolving patterns of attributed mortality burden, more detailed evidence is needed to examine the contribution of different air pollutants to death across the disease spectrum, particularly considering population change as well as the context of the era.We explored the evolving patterns of all-cause and disease-specific deaths attributed to overall air pollution and its main subcategories by using the estimated annual percentage change and additionally assessing the contribution of population growth and ageing to death burden using the decomposition method. Age-period-cohort model and Joinpoint analysis were used to evaluate birth cohort effects specific-disease death burden owing to high-risk air pollution subcategories.

    • 04 2023-01

      COVID-19大流行的影响和政策应对 医疗保健利用:来自县级医疗...

      the impact of these poli- cies on healthcare utilization in the United States has been largely unexplored. We examine the impact of county-level shelter in place ordinances on healthcare utilization using two unique datasets —employer-sponsored insurance for over 6 million people in the US and cell phone lo- cation data. We find that introduction of these policies was associated with reductions in the use of preventive care, elective care, and the number of weekly visits to physician offices, hospitals and other health care-related industries. However, controlling for county-level exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to account for the endogenous nature of policy implementation reduces the impact of these policies. Our results imply that while social distancing policies do lead to reductions in healthcare utilization, much of these reductions would have occurred even in the absence of these policies.

    • 23 2022-12


      The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected population mental health. We aimed to assess temporal trends in primary care-recorded common mental illness, episodes of self-harm, psychotropic medication prescribing, and general practitioner (GP) referrals to mental health services during the COVID-19 emergency in the UK.
